Shiroabhayangam Therapy
Shiroabhayangam Therapy is a 45-minute therapy consisting of a traditional application of medicated oil over the head and shoulder in a systematic manner. This requires us to take time out and devote it as “me” time. This me time would be more effective if we spent it on pampering ourselves with some much-needed treatments and therapies. This exercise will help us rejuvenate and feel good about ourselves. We then are all set to take on the world. Having said this what is the best way for us to achieve the above? Well, we are in a day and age where we have access to various places that offer services where you can rid yourself off all the stress as well as negativity that is normally produced in one’s life thanks to its gruelling ways. One such place is Earthen Wellness a spa that must be experienced for this is a place where you will be pampered to the hilt with natures best. A place that can be called a haven for it will rid you off all your stress. This is a place where you can indulge in the best natural ayurvedic therapies without being troubled about the usage of harmful chemicals for the therapies are 100% natural. Earthen Wellness takes immense pride in its heady mix of holistic and rejuvenating services primarily as it is one hundred per cent natural for, we believe that every single individual is naturally beautiful.
Why then shouldn’t you give yourself the very best in services all available at the rejuvenation destination Earthen Wellness such as Ayurvedic therapies, Oriental therapies, beauty & health products, yoga & meditation, not missing out on our expert consultation services too. Going back to ayurvedic therapies, there is a must try while at Earthen Wellness which is the Shiroabhayangam. We all have our hair woes or must we say the “bad hair days”. This beauty treatment will have you bidding goodbye to these days for it is phenomenal. One needn’t be varied or worried for this therapy is performed by skilled professionals keeping in mind the client’s body type. This therapy ensures that it rejuvenates hair follicles and transforms hair into its lustrous best. The icing on the cake is that this therapy is also known to induce sound sleep and reduce anxiety. We are sure that you now have a reason to visit one of the Best Spa in Bangalore for it will be one of the best things that you can gift yourself, after all the route to happiness stems from the wellness of the mind and body.