Get your very own dose of wellness now at Earthen Wellness
Wellness of the mind and body is what we believe in and this is achieved in the best possible way, the all-natural way. Natures offering in the form of natural therapies and treatments can never go wrong. Discover the natural beauty hidden in you by availing the ayurvedic treatments at Earthen Wellness which have the ability to transform and rejuvenate you. Allow yourself to indulge in the best natural ayurvedic therapies without being troubled about the usage of harmful chemicals. The ayurvedic therapies and treatments use products that are 100% natural and eco-friendly. We all have our hair woes or should we say the “bad hair days”. This beauty treatment at Earthen Wellness will have you bidding goodbye to these days for it is phenomenal. Talking about hair care, we would like to introduce to you one of a few must try’s while at Earthen Wellness which is the Shiroabhayangam. This is a 45-minute therapy consisting of a traditional application of medicated oil over the head and shoulder in a systematic manner. One needn’t be hassled or worried for this therapy is performed by a team of skilled professionals keeping in mind the client’s body type. This therapy ensures that it rejuvenates hair follicles and transforms hair into its lustrous best and what’s phenomenal is that this therapy is also known to induce sound sleep and reduce anxiety. Earthen Wellness also offers the Shirolepa that is a 45-minute traditional treatment. This treatment was initially developed in Kerala and practiced by the ayurvedic practitioners there. This is a treatment that is immensely popular now simply because of its effectiveness. It begins with an application of a wet paste that is medicated over the head. What follows is the head then being covered with a plantain leaf and left for a period of 45 minutes. The benefits of this treatment are that it cleanses the scalp removing dirt and dandruff, rejuvenates and strengthens dull hair transforming it into soft, shiny and luster filled hair. The beauty of this treatment is that it also battles anxiety, fatigue, stress, improves eyesight as well as heals ailments in the head and neck region. This treatment helps in improving sleep and ensures sound sleep. These calming treatments are the need of the hour to clients who want a lustrous mane as well as a stress-busting solution. Last but not least the client is treated to a relaxing and calming head bath that completes these phenomenal treatments. This must have given you some insight as well as a reason to visit this wellness spa for it will be one of the best things that you can gift yourself, a loved one or both so pick up the phone and make an appointment now for after all as we all know, the route to happiness stems from wellness of the mind and body which can be accessed at the maximum at Earthen Wellness.