Traditional head & hair care specially formulated by age old practitioners of Ayurveda
Shirolepa – 45 minutes
Shirolepa is a traditional treatment initially developed and popularly practiced by Ayurveda practitioners of Kerala. It is an application of wet medicated paste over the head and then covering the same with a processed plantain leaf. The medication is determined by body type. This therapy Ceanses dandruff and dirt, imparts softness, shine and lustre to the hair, rejuvenates and strengthens hair follicles, We give the best hair spa treatment in bangalore
The procedure helps to overcome anxiety, stress as well as mental fatigue, improves eyesight, induces sound sleep.heals ailments in head and neck regions and aids in treating psychosomatic diseases and headache. A relaxing head bath follows the treatment.

Shirodhara – 60 minutes
A traditional application of medicated oils (depending on body types) over the entire forehead region in a systematic manner.
This therapy induces sound sleep, relaxes the nervous system, harmonizes the sense by creating a blissful sensation, reduces anxiety, removes deeply trapped toxins, improves eyesight, enhances mood stability, rejuvenates hair follicles and introduces lustre to the hair. A relaxing hair wash follows the treatment.